Square Head Project

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wallyjarek's picture
Joined: 23 Apr 2014

Let me start by saying that the idea for this project came quite by accident, I looked through my drawer with printed bricks and noticed a brick 1x1 with printed eyelets.

I have a handful of them and I started to put my hair, caps, etc. on them.
I found them very funny and made me play with them positively.
I've been working on them for the past few weeks.


Superman - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr


Surfer - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr


Geisha - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

Lone Island

Lone Island - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

Football game

Football game - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr


Airplane - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

Kill Bill

Kill Bill - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

On the road

On the road - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr


Wedding - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

Wedding - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr


Abraham Lincoln Memorial
Abraham Lincoln Memorial - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

An Angel
An Angel - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

This dress please
This dress please - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

Ufo - run if you can
UFO, run if you can - square heads project by jarekwally, on Flickr

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