The Black Sheep - A work in progress.

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Wes Gill
Wes Gill
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Joined: 22 May 2016
Black Sheep - Unclad.

Since my post last week regarding M/Flesh Masonry bricks.
I've had a lot of messages regarding my planned use on an MOC of the Black Sheep.

Here's an update of progress.

The entire body of MOC is constructed ready to be clad with the masonry bricks.

Certain architectural features go on the exterior such as eaves, balustrades and hardware such as Signage (printed & Hangibg globes),
Menu displays, alarm box, flag on Capel St. Side and larger canopy over lounge.
Roofs are constructed and ready.

Interior lighting is fitted and I'm not certain whether to do an interior or not. (Maybe at a later date)

So, so far so good, I'm happy with the look.

Photos will follow when it's clad and signage attached.


[Current brick count approx 5500]